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November 5, 2019

Fall Produce & Classes: Woodside Farms at Chickahominy Falls

The fall season is in full swing, which means preparing the fields for winter and the soil for spring plantings. We are currently planting about 4800 cloves of garlic that will be ready next summer! Another exciting announcement is ........... 

Woodside Farms gained fifty-six new residents this week!  Welcome the ladies (chickens) of Pinwheel Farm! They're all set up behind the orchard with their coop, two friendly scarecrows, and electric fence (it is hot so please don't touch!). Last month, we lost all four of our farm chickens in one night to what we think was a weasel, so Farmer Andy is taking all of the precautions to keep his ladies safe. These are the hens that have been providing the eggs for our Farm Stand each week. They'll be moving around the field, rotating to a new section each week to fertilize what will, in the future, be rows of vegetables.

Chickens at Pinwheel Farm.

The Farm Stand is open to the public!   Here is what is growing now and available for sale.   


Fall Fare From The Farm Stand

Join us every Saturday at the Farm Stand!
9 AM-12 PM, 10455 Cedar Lane

And don’t forget to ask us about reserving your local, pasture-raised Thanksgiving turkey from the Farm Stand! 

Chemical-free, non-GMO produce from Woodside Farms:

-Salad Mix
-Braising Greens (mix of tatsoi, hon tsai tai, komatsuna)
-Spring mix (mix of red mustards, kale, mizuna)
-Head Lettuce
-Tuscan Kale
-Curly Kale
-Red Russian Kale
-Bok Choy
-Pac Choi
-Rainbow Chard
-White Onions
-Acorn Squash
-Red Slicing Tomatoes
-Bell Peppers
-Lemon balm

-Grass-fed lamb from Meadowlark Farm
-Pasture-raised, non-GMO eggs from Pinwheel Farm
-Local artisan bread from La Bella Vita Bakery
-Pasture-raised, bon-GMO chicken from Shirefolk Farm
-Homemade muffins from Jess Wessel of Pinwheel Farm
-Woodside Farms tomato sauce
-Woodside Farms bread and butter pickles
-Woodside Farms pickled okra (recipe courtesy of Style Craft's April Pace)

Visit our recipe page for inspiration in the kitchen!


For the months of November and December, please check our website and/or newsletter weekly to be sure we're holding the Farm Stand. We will be open as much as possible, depending on our produce availability. Thank you!

Classes and Workshops

Artisan Breads
Tuesday, Nov. 12, 6-8 PM, $35+

Learn to make a loaf of bread with a crispy exterior and a soft, airy inside. You'll look forward to treating family and friends to this home-baked delight!

Artisan bread.

Volunteer Days
Every Friday, 9 AM-12 PM

Join us every Friday for Volunteer Day! Our volunteers are vital to our success, and we strongly believe that time spent with your hands in the dirt has a plethora of therapeutic benefits.

The fall fun is only just beginning at Woodside Farms, Cornerstone's newest agri-55+ community, so join in!  All of us at Cornerstone Homes can’t wait to celebrate the season with you.

The Cornerstone Insider.


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